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Digestive Health & Weight Loss

An Zhong Tang or Cardamon & Fennel Formula, Decoction of

An Zhong Tang or Cardamon & Fennel Formula, Decoction of

Use for epigastric distension, epigastric pain, ulcer, vomiting of blood, hyperacid stomach, stagnant blood in stomach and stagnant stomach qi with cold. Rx Ingredients: Cinnamomum (gu zhi), coryda..


Bai Zhu Atractylodes Combo Extract or Jian Pi Wan

Bai Zhu Atractylodes Combo Extract or Jian Pi Wan

Dispels food stasis to harmonize stomach, tonify spleen qi and promote digestion. Useful for chronic deficient spleen qi with accumulated food matter that sits. Use for symptoms including poor digesti..


Balanex Extract or Bao He Wan

Balanex Extract or Bao He Wan

A classical formula for promoting digestion. Traced to teachings of Dan Xi (Dan Xi Xin Fa) where it was used to reduce food stagnation, harmonize stomach, regulate digestive function. Use as treatment..


Baohe Wan

Baohe Wan

With balanex extract, baohe wan works to calm the digestive system entire. Promotes digestion and provides relief from food stagnation causing acid indigestion, fullness and distension in the gastric ..


Chen Xiang Hua Qi Wan

Chen Xiang Hua Qi Wan

For the occasional bout with stomach acid characterized by indigestion, upset stomach and constipation. Promotes the flow of qi in the liver and stomach to regulate digestion. Beneficial for distendin..


Eagle Wood Extract or Hua Qi Wan

Eagle Wood Extract or Hua Qi Wan

Harmonize the stomach and liver. Harmonize the whole. Dispels stagnant liver and stomach qi symptomized by epigastric and abdominal distention and pain, chest distress and fullness, anorexia, belching..


Evergreen Extra Strength California Dieters' Tea

Evergreen Extra Strength California Dieters' Tea

Zero fat, zero carbs, zero sugar and based on a formula to quickly purge.   Ingredients: Cassia Angustifolia, All Natural Herbs. Contents: 20 tea bags...


Fang Feng Tong Sheng Wan

Fang Feng Tong Sheng Wan

Written by Liu Wan Su in 1172 AD during the JIn-Yuan Dynasty with the principles of sweating, purging, clearing, and supplementing in mind, the formula has been popularly applied to the treatment of h..


Fare You or Wei You Pian Tablets

Fare You or Wei You Pian Tablets

Regulates gastrointestinal system, particularly the stomach and duodenum. Use for gastritis, stomach ulcer, duodenal ulcer, acid reflux (aka heartburn) or stomachache post eating. Ingredi..


Fare You, Vitamin U Complex

Fare You, Vitamin U Complex

The U stands for ulcer relief. Use for peptic ulcers, gastric duodenal ulcers, achylia gastrica, hyperacidity, chronic gastritis, regurgitatica and to heal lesions in the stomach lining. Ingredient..


Fu Zi Li Zhong Wan

Fu Zi Li Zhong Wan

Carmichaeli Tea Pills benefit conditions marked by poor digestion, abdominal fullness, cold diarrhea, nausea or vomiting with cold hands or feet. Removes acute cold and cold damp in the middle burner ..


Gastropin with Belladonna

Gastropin with Belladonna

Use as fast acting antacid for peptic ulcer, gastric hyperacidity, gastralgia.   Ingredients: Aluminum hydroxide gel, magnesium trisilicate and fluid extract of belladonna. Made in Shanghai..


Hawthorn Extract, Shan Zha Jiang Zhi Pian

Hawthorn Extract, Shan Zha Jiang Zhi Pian

Digestive aid centuries established now routinely used to treat heart failure. Antioxidants found in hawthorn may help treat chest pain, angina, heart disease, hypertension. Ingredients: Hawthorn. ..


Hawthorn Single Herb Element

Hawthorn Single Herb Element

For treatment of heart disease, to strengthen heart function, lower blood lipids, dilate blood vessels, promote circulation. Improves digestion, benefitting weight maintenance. Antioxidant, anti ..


Hawthorn Tablets

Hawthorn Tablets

Lowers blood cholesterol. Reduces body fat. Balanced with a lean healthy diet, exercise, and rest, yes, hawthorn can help to recondition the body and its ability to age well.     &n..


Hsiang Stomach Pills or Xiang Sha Yang Wei Wan

Hsiang Stomach Pills or Xiang Sha Yang Wei Wan

Reinforces spleen qi healing digestive disturbances related to excess stomach phlegm damp accumulation with symptoms including food stagnation, abdominal fullness with or without pain, vomiting, poor ..


Huang Lian Su

Huang Lian Su

Contains berberine, a naturally occuring phytochemical effective for use as a broad spectrum antibiiotic for the treatment of fungal infections, candida, yeast, parasites and bacterial/viral infection..


Huo Xiang Zheng Qi Wan

Huo Xiang Zheng Qi Wan

Benefits the immune system and gastrointestinal functions, alleviating abdominal fullness with poor digestion and food accumulation that causes nausea, vertigo, headache with pasty or loose stools and..


I Ching Sung Laxative Tablets

I Ching Sung Laxative Tablets

Diacetyldiphenolisatin, 5 mg. per tablet for various forms of the maddening constipation.   Ingredients: Diacetyldiphenolisatin, 5 mg. per tablet. Directions for Use: Adults take 1-2 ta..


Inspirex Extract or Huo Xiang Zheng Qi Wan

Inspirex Extract or Huo Xiang Zheng Qi Wan

Breaks up congestion and stagnation of qi at the center, dispelling wind damp and wind to resolve spleen damp and tonify spleen qi. Use for poor digestion characterized by phlegm damp or food accumula..


Showing 1 to 20 of 62 (4 Pages)