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  • Zhuang Yao Tonic Tablets

Zhuang Yao Tonic Tablets

Beneficial for tendons and bones. Beneficial as general tonic for kidney yang deficiency with lower back pain, weak waist and legs, pain in kidneys with dizziness, labored breathing, ear ringing, urinary dribbling, incontinence or weak stream. Use also for problems directly related to excessive male sexual activity. May be taken for long periods.

Ingredients: Cibotium rhizome, millettia root, eucommia bark, rosa fruit, loranthus twig, cordyceps fungus, poria fungus, rubus fruit. Made by United Pharmaceutical Manufactory, Guangzhou, Guangdong.

Directions for Use: Take 4 pills, 1-2 times a day.

Contents: 100 pills per bottle.

  • $7.00

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