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Tonics are not recommended for use during any stage of wind invasion, i.e. cold & flu. They tend to drive wind deeper into the body, delaying recovery. (Qi tonics can be warm and stagnating to energy and should be discontinued or moderated if heat or dryness, chest oppression, abdominal congesting, bloating occur. Tonics to nourish blood may cause indigestion and should be monitored if so.)

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Seadog Pills

Seadog Pills

Use as supplement for yang deficient states and to correct impotence, infirm erection, exhaustion, premature ejaculation, sleeplessness, pain of the lumbar area and knees, dizzness and tinni..


Shanghai Baoxin Wan

Shanghai Baoxin Wan

For long-term treatment and prevention of coronary heart disease and as emergency treatment of angina pectoris. Protects vascular endothelial cell, slows atherosis, significantly relieving symptoms of..


Shen Jing Shuai Ruo Wan

Shen Jing Shuai Ruo Wan

Or Shen Ching Shuai Jao Wan. Tonifies heart qi, blood and yin. Norishes liver yin and blood, calming shen, reducing heat. Alleviates deficient heart blood causing insomnia, restless sleep, nightmares,..


Shen Qi Da Bu Wan or Ginseng, Astragalus Great Tonifying Pill

Shen Qi Da Bu Wan or Ginseng, Astragalus Great Tonifying Pill

General qi tonic for blood, ying and wei qi. Beneficial for general debility, fatigue, poor digestion due to spleen and stomach deficiency, blood deficiency. Strengthens immune system. Ingredients:..


Shi Quan Da Bu Wan

Shi Quan Da Bu Wan

Tonifies spleen and heart qi, kidney and spleen yang to nourish and invigorate blood. Cinnamon root aids in warming and consoling kidney yang while astragalus root nourishes spleen and wei qi. Benefic..


Shi Quan Da Bu Wan or Ten Flavor Tea

Shi Quan Da Bu Wan or Ten Flavor Tea

Tonifies spleen and heart qi, kidney and spleen yang while nourishing and invigorating blood. Use for poor digestion or appetite, fatigue, weakness of back or legs, anxiety and infirmity following ill..


Shihuyeguang Wan or Dendrobrium Monilforme Night Sight Pills

Shihuyeguang Wan or Dendrobrium Monilforme Night Sight Pills

Classical prescription developed dynasties ago for improving vision, particularly in cases of cataract development, blurriness and weakened eyesight with pressure and irritation. Ingredients: Dendr..


Shou Wu Chih

Shou Wu Chih

Tonifies, warms and invigorates blood, nourishing liver and kidneys for great eyes and tendons. Use for depletion from sexual excess, childbirth or illness. Strengthens the bones and tendons in cases ..


Shou Wu Pian

Shou Wu Pian

Nourishes liver blood while tonifying kidneys to revitalize kidney qi and kidney jing. Addresses chronic deficiencies of liver blood and sedates liver fire showing up as menstruation irregularities, h..


Specific Lumbar Tablets or Yao Tong Pian

Specific Lumbar Tablets or Yao Tong Pian

Psoralea & Teasel Combo. Tonifies kidney yang and qi, nourishing liver blood, strengthening tendon and bone while circulating qi and blood to alleviate pain. Use for lumbago, lower back pain and s..


Strong Man Bao or Qiang Li Nan Bao

Strong Man Bao or Qiang Li Nan Bao

Strong male tonic to improve and maintain male sexual vitality. Addresses kidney yang deficient states, improving kidney and spleen qi and promoting blood circulation. Beneficial for impotence, premat..


Tang Kwei & Astragalus Extract or Dang Gui Bu Xue Wan

Tang Kwei & Astragalus Extract or Dang Gui Bu Xue Wan

Invigorates qi, enabling, empowering blood production and flow. Beneficial after overexertion or long illness, heavy bleeding states or birthing. Use with deficient blood during menstruation with symp..


Tankwe Gin Mixed Herbs Syrup

Tankwe Gin Mixed Herbs Syrup

Angelica Dang Gui Syrup or Dang Gui Gin Gao liquid tonic improves blood quality over time. Use to nurture and invigorate blood while tonifying spleen qi and improving the overall quality of blood. Par..


Tian Ma Tou Tong or Gastrodia Root Combination

Tian Ma Tou Tong or Gastrodia Root Combination

Enriches deficient liver and kidney with rising yang and/or internal wind. Beneficial as general tonic for deficient liver blood with symptoms including vertigo, dizziness, headache, fatigue, poor app..


Vine Essence Pills

Vine Essence Pills

General tonic based on imperial formula for deficiencies with symptoms including poor circulation, joint pain, low energy, lack of immunity, poor memory, muscle pain, nervous disorders, digestive weak..


Vital Essence Plus or Gejie Bu Shen Wan

Vital Essence Plus or Gejie Bu Shen Wan

General tonic for kidney yang and qi. Use for deficient kidney yang resulting in overall weakness and fatigue with frequent urination, cold extremities, poor circulation, poor digestion with undigeste..


Wu Jia Shen or Eleuthero Root Tablets

Wu Jia Shen or Eleuthero Root Tablets

Supplements qi and activates the blood to nourish the heart, relieve mental distress, promote cognition, restore normal function of the body, strengthen immune syste..


Wuchaseng Extract

Wuchaseng Extract

Eleutherococcus Senticosus or Siberian Ginseng Extract rehabilitates and accelerates brain and kidney functions. Use to improve eyesight, hearing and normalize appetite while tonifying kidney jing and..


Yanourish Remedy, You Gui Wan

Yanourish Remedy, You Gui Wan

Nourishes kidney yang, addressing specifically spermatorrhea with symptoms including pallid face, intolerance of cold, cold weak extremities, spontaneous perspiration, premature ejaculation, impotence..


Yantai Sanpien Wan

Yantai Sanpien Wan

Broad spectrum general tonic for health of the mind and spirit, to strengthen the lower back, to empower sexual facilities while countering fatigue, spontaneous sweating, poor memory, insomnia, chroni..


Showing 61 to 80 of 87 (5 Pages)